
23.07.2020 – Digital Data & Document Exchange for Structural Materials in Aerospace with “e-CoC”


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High performance materials in Aerospace applications require extensive validation by testing and the creation of material models to be used in design. Data are frequently measured in highly specialized laboratories who are certified by Nadcap. Up to now there was no systematic way to transfer consistent data sets together with certificates and lab reports from the labs to suppliers or OEM´s. The new standard DIN SPEC 9012 which was elaborated by a c onsortium from Aerospace industry pro closes this gap.

The new concept will be presented together with practical examples and software tools.

Time and Place

Web – Thursday, 23.07.2020, 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.


DINSPEC 9012 – e-CoC

The initial initiative for the digitalisation the exchange of the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) and inspection certification was created at BDLI meetings. Out the first discussions, the idea was born, to create an standard for an electronic CoC (e-CoC)as a data exchange format for those type of documents. In order to reach the goals in a reasonable timeframe, the DIN SPEC PAS procedure was chosen.

A workgroup of german and austrian companies, all in various positions in the aerospace supply chain, was formed to approach this objective.

The data format and process described in DIN SPEC 9012 covers the following documents and data:

  • Certificates of Conformity (acc. to ISO 17050, NF L00 015)
  • Inspection certificates (EN 10204)
  • Data from materials testing laboratories (non-standardized)

The DINS SPEC 9012 will be released by the workgroup in June 2020.


The DIN SPEC 9012 contains additional information which might be impractical to be detailed by a printed

document only. Therefore, it is linked to the interactive website For the full content both – the

printed DIN SPEC and the website – have to be taken into consideration.

The DIN SPEC 9012 contains:

  • Description of the process and the requirements of CoC and certificate documents
  • Description of the principles of the use of e-CoC
  • Basic description of thestructure of the data format

The website contains the following data and information:

  • e-CoC JSON scheme for download
  • Use cases with detailed description of the data structure and sample files for download
  • Detailed data format description
  • JSON scheme for advanced data exchange.

The access to is free but requires a registration.