P 1087 – Development of methods for the simulation of the thermo-mechanical behavior of adhesive layers in hybrid joints during the curing process
In processing of hot-curing adhesives in mass production of the automobile industry, the adhesively bonded joints within the body in white are cured in the Electrophoretic Painting Process (E-Coat) together with the anti-corrosive paint. The curing of the adhesives requires a previous fixation process that stabilizes the structure after adhesive application. This necessary “handling stiffness and strength” is often achieved by additional mechanical joining elements in a fixed distance (hybrid joining). The steel adherend expansions and displacements in the structures occurring during hot-curing result in stresses that can lead to damage in the joint region in the form of interface or cohesive failure. The aim of the project is to develop a calculation and assessment method by which the impact on the joint depending on the physical, geometrical and procedural factors can be determined. This requires both a numerical calculation method and a simple test methodology with associated “rule of thumb” with which the suitability of adhesives for the E-Coat process of the structures can be compared and evaluated. The optimization of physical, geometrical and procedural variables leads to a targeted lightweight design with multi-material structures. By the indicated methods for calculation and optimization, users can avoid damage to the adhesive bond by temperature and the related expansions and displacements of the adherends during the curing process.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Meschut, Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Matzenmiller