Fostabericht P 1151 - Erprobung des Laserstahl-Unterpulver Hybridschweißverfahrens für die industrielle Anwendung im Bereich großer BlechdickenFostabericht P 1151 - Erprobung des Laserstahl-Unterpulver Hybridschweißverfahrens für die industrielle Anwendung im Bereich großer Blechdicken

P 1151 – Testing of Laser Submerged Arc Hybrid Welding for Thick Steel Appplications




P 1151 – Testing of Laser Submerged Arc Hybrid Welding for Thick Steel Appplications

The previous series of investigations on laser submerged arc hybrid welding have clearly demonstrated the fundamental usefulness of the newly developed process variant. The achieved weld seam qualities in positional opposition of joint welds  using both laser beam types (CO2 and solid state) are more than satisfactory in the context of the investigations carried out. Sheet thicknesses of up to 50 mm could be joined reproducibly with low porosity.
The aim of the current project is the optimization and homogenization of the  mechanicaltechnological characteristic values of joint welds in position-counter- location technology over the seam depth, based on the testing of suitable wire- powder combinations. As laser beam source a solid-state laser is used, which  provides a spot diameter of 0.4 mm with the applied optical components. In the same step, the increase in process stability compared to slag running forward into the laser base point will be investigated by testing correspondingly tough and  current-carrying welding powder variants.
In addition to a sensor system for the detection and automatic control of the  welding depth caused by the laser beam, a sensor system for the detection of  prolapsing submerged arc welding powder and prolapsing slag/melt is to be  investigated and tested.

Main content only available in german language.

Published in:
May 2020

Professor Dr. Ing. U. Reisgen, Dr.-Ing. S. Olschok, O. Engels M.Sc.