
P 1348 – Methods Development for Failure Analysis of Pre-Damaged Adhesive Joints due to Cure in Mixed-Material-Design


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P 1348 – Methods Development for Failure Analysis of Pre-Damaged Adhesive Joints due to Cure in Mixed-Material-Design

The expanding application scope of metallic multi material components requires new methods for the design of efficient lightweight structures. Especially, focus is laid on adhesively bonded joints consisting of toughened structural adhesives, which are cured at high temperatures. In the manufacturing process, mixed materials with different thermal expansion coefficients induce mechanical loading in the adhesive layer leading to material property changes and damage. It can be observed that the deformation history during the manufacturing process influences the strength of the adhesive joint depending on the direction of subsequent loading.
The objective of the project is to develop methods for failure analysis of pre-damaged adhesive joints due to curing in metallic mixed material structures subjected to crash conditions. Furthermore, the aforementioned influence on the mechanical properties is considered, which is caused by the deformation history in the manufacturing process. The characterisation of the required material properties is accomplished by developing experimental test methods. Afterwards, the findings of these tests are used for further development of the Toughened Adhesive Polymer (TAPO) model. Specifically, both the pre-damage and the influence of the deformation history due to manufacturing are taken into account for crash analysis. For engineering offices, which are often SMEs, the developed method enables a better failure prediction and thus improves the design of adhesively joined structures in the framework of computer aided design.

All research reports in german language only!

Published in:
July 2022

M. Sc. F. Beule, Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Meschut, M.Sc. T. Aubel, Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Matzenmiller